Entity: Department of State

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Interagency Meeting Materials Regarding the Withholding of Aid to Lebanon

March 5, 2020
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking interagency meeting materials in light of the withholding of military and economic assistance to Lebanon.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Communications Regarding the Withholding of Aid to Lebanon

March 5, 2020
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking senior officials’ communications regarding the withholding of military and economic assistance to Lebanon.

FOIA to State Seeking Communications of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Levant Affairs Regarding the Withholding of Aid to Lebanon

March 5, 2020
FOIA to the Department of State seeking communications and calendars of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Levant Affairs in light of the withholding of military and economic assistance to Lebanon.

FOIA to State Seeking Email Chain of Ambassador Hale regarding Assistance to Lebanon

March 5, 2020
FOIA to the Department of State seeking email chain mentioned in Ambassador Hale’s impeachment testimony in light of the withholding of military and economic assistance to Lebanon.

FOIA to State Seeking Emails with White House Officials Involved in Coronavirus Response

March 5, 2020
FOIA to the Department of State seeking all email communications between agency and White House officials involved in the federal government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Coronavirus Daily Briefings and Situation Reports

March 4, 2020
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking all daily briefings and situation reports prepared for leadership officials regarding the coronavirus outbreak.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Coronavirus Talking Points and Background Materials

March 4, 2020
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking all final talking points or background materials prepared for any congressional briefings or hearings or press engagements by leadership officials regarding the coronavirus outbreak.

FOIA to State Seeking Pompeo’s Ethics Documents and Communications with State Ethics Counsel

March 3, 2020
FOIA to the Department of State seeking ethics waivers recusal determinations and communications regarding ethics issues for Secretary Mike Pompeo.

FOIA to State Regarding Sekulow’s Appearance Before the ICC

March 3, 2020
FOIA to the Department of State seeking emails with Jay Sekulow or emails with the White House about Sekulow.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Seeking Coronavirus Messaging Directives

March 2, 2020
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking any directives, orders, decision memoranda, or guidance from the White House regarding public statements, public appearances, or communications or press strategy on the coronavirus, COVID-19.