FOIA Number: DOE-19-0322

DOE Emails with External Parties Regarding Nuclear Technology

January 9, 2020
Emails from the Department of Energy in response to American Oversight's request for communications of high-ranking agency officials with non-governmental individuals and organizations with ties to the nuclear technology industry.

Investigating the Trump Administration’s Efforts to Sell Nuclear Technology to Saudi Arabia

March 12, 2019
American Oversight has filed FOIA requests across the administration to find out more about Trump administration appointees' push to sell U.S. nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia.
Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, First Lady Melania Trump, and President Donald Trump in Saudi Arabia on May 21, 2017

FOIA to NNSA Seeking Communications with External Parties Related to Nuclear Technology

March 8, 2019
FOIA to the National Nuclear Security Administration seeking communications of high-ranking agency officials with non-governmental individuals and organizations with ties to the nuclear technology industry.