FOIA Number: MULTI-DHS-FEMA-19-0454

In the Documents: How the 2018-2019 Government Shutdown Affected Federal Science Agencies

January 23, 2020
Records from NASA, NOAA and other agencies reveal the record-long funding lapse’s detrimental impact on federal projects.

NRR from FEMA Regarding the Impact of the Partial Government Shutdown on Agency Operations and Research

December 19, 2019
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stated that it had no documents responsive to American Oversight's request for records related to the impact of the partial government shutdown on agency operations, scientific research, and public safety programs.

FOIA to Multiple Agencies Regarding the Impact of the Partial Government Shutdown on Agency Operations and Research

April 4, 2019
FOIA to multiple agencies seeking records related to the impact of the partial government shutdown on agency operations, scientific research, and public safety programs.