FOIA Number: USDA-19-1011

News Roundup: Corruption and Coronavirus

April 10, 2020
Trump is apparently counting on the public to be too distracted by the coronavirus to pay much attention to his continuing dictator-like purges of government officials and his brazen rejection of oversight. 

USDA Records of Secretary Perdue’s Emails Sent to Non-Government Email Addresses

March 20, 2020
Records of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue’s sent communications to non-government email addresses. American Oversight sought these records to shed light on Perdue’s actions and communications during his tenure as secretary. These records contain communications with Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Loeffler’s husband, Jeffrey Sprecher, as well as with Louise Linton (Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s wife), former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephen Censky before his appointment to the agency.

News Roundup: Impeachment Votes and Sonny Perdue’s Georgia Connections

November 1, 2019
As the impeachment inquiry gears up for its more public phase, American Oversight is continuing to look into ethics and influence issues at agencies like the Department of Agriculture.
Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue

New Lawsuit: Secretary Perdue’s Ties to Georgia Industry Groups

October 30, 2019
American Oversight sued the USDA to investigate whether Perdue’s ties to Georgia agricultural-interest groups have had an impact on his policy decisions.

Complaint: American Oversight v. USDA — Perdue Emails and Georgia Industry Communications

October 30, 2019
Lawsuit filed by American Oversight against the U.S. Department of Agriculture for records of communications with Secretary Sonny Perdue’s family businesses and external agricultural interest groups, including those sent from a personal email account. American Oversight is seeking these records to learn whether Secretary Perdue’s ties to agricultural interest groups have had an impact on his policy decisions.

News Roundup: The Hatch Act and Freedom of Speech

August 16, 2019
New harsh immigration policies, weaker endangered species protections, and a lawsuit to protect the free speech rights of federal employees.

FOIA to USDA Seeking Secretary Perdue’s Sent External Emails

August 12, 2019
FOIA to U.S. Department of Agriculture seeking Secretary Perdue’s sent email communications to non-governmental addresses. American Oversight seeks these records to shed light on Secretary Perdue's actions and communications during his tenure as Secretary of Agriculture.