FOIA Number: EPA-18-0011

EPA Records of Government Credit Cards

March 23, 2018
Records in response to our FOIA for all records reflecting any advancements or reimbursements for expenses paid by a government purchase card or personal credit card by anyone in the Office of the Administrator, including Administrator Scott Pruitt.

FOIA to EPA Seeking Reimbursement Records

January 9, 2018
FOIA seeking all records reflecting any advancements or reimbursements for expenses paid by a government purchase card or personal credit card by anyone in the Office of the Administrator, including Administrator Scott Pruitt.

Complaint: American Oversight v. EPA – Office Renovations

December 5, 2017
Lawsuit seeking records related to Administrator Pruitt's office renovation expenses, the "bug sweep" performed on Pruitt's office, biometric locks installed in Pruitt's office, and reimbursements paid to staff for credit card expenses.