FOIA Number: STATE-19-0587

NRR from State Department Regarding ‘Deep State Digest’

December 3, 2019
The Department of State stated that it had no records of any document titled or referred to as “Deep State Digest,” which may have been circulated by political appointees in an effort to evaluate the political loyalty of career civil servants. American Oversight asked for records to shed light on whether and to what extent political retaliation occurs at the State Department.

News Roundup: Investigating State-Level Threats to Democracy

May 17, 2019
With so much attention trained on tackling federal misconduct in the Trump administration, corruption at the state and local levels has flourished and often gone unchecked.

FOIA to State Seeking Document Reflecting Political Appointees Tracking of Career Officials’ Political Loyalty

May 13, 2019
FOIA to State seeking a document referred to as the "Deep State Digest," which may have been circulated by political appointees in an effort to evaluate the political loyalty of career civil servants.